Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sixteen to One Mine

Sixteen to One Mine
Originally uploaded by gamp
I went looking for waterfalls around Central City this weekend. I tried to get to one called Missouri Falls in Missouri Canyon but it was on private property. It also didn't seem to have much water coming from where it was supposed to be, but I bet it had some kind of ice trickle going on. Maybe some other time I'll check it out somehow.

Across the street though I found this mine, which my map said was called sixteen to one. It is locked up with a permanent iron gate, but I managed to get this cool photo of the inside, showing the iron rails still intact. It doesn't look like it ran for long from the size of the tailings, but it's one of the better ones I've seen up close. I believe it is a tungsten mine.

I also looked around nevadaville and some of the cemeteries. Tomtom showed me some picture places west of Central City, one of which was called "Queen's Chair" but all the roads it showed to the location were private trails. Apparently if you're a Gilpin County resident you can get a permit to hike there, but I'm not.

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