Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bollywood Matrix

Somehow I ended up in the Matrix last night. Morpheus looks pretty good, but I don't know about the Indian Neo and Trinity.

This was at The Church while promoting No DUI Denver.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Halloween Parties

Originally uploaded by gamp.
Garth and I walked around downtown last night, sort of promoting the whole designated driver business of NoDUIDenver, but mostly taking photos of chicks.

Here's some chicks that posed with me. Somehow they made it look like it was photoshopped, but it wasn't

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Urinals of Denargo Market

I found a weird website,, which also has a link to google maps where you can see all the posted urinals in north america. urinal map

These urinals are at Denargo Market, and they seem unusual enough for me to contribute them to the site. They are old and made by Standard Madstone so they may not be so unusual, but I can't think of any of this type I've ever peed in before. They also flush very much like a toilet.

Update: Here's the link to their spot on

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hiking in the yard

Donald atop the mountain.

Donald and I went hiking with his dog. We haven't really been able to explore the yard much before, but now we've seen a great many things.

Here I am with Kira, the Great Pyrenees. Her real name is Akira, but these things happen.

Here's a log cabin we found.

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Picture Share!

The cab of the ambulance guides me through the night, no lights, no sirens.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sunset at Kitty's

Originally uploaded by gamp.
As I look out the window every evening, the sun sets over the porn store.

And no, I didn't actually take this with the red phone.

And then there was this.

I'll be attempting to blog as I go with my cute red Sanyo PM8200, its not a great camera phone, but it does occasionaly send a photo through my sprint vision service.

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