Thursday, December 28, 2006

More snow

Originally uploaded by gamp.
It's snowing again. I went for a walk at 10 pm and took some photos in the ambient light. I'm impressed with what my pentax DL can do with the light, although the colors came out weird.

Too bad I got my car stuck in the front parking lot of my building. Nobody has used it since it snowed the first time, but it should be less shoveling in the morning since its right on the street.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Denver Blizzard

Car - Blizzard Day 2
Originally uploaded by gamp.
So my car is dug out of the snow pile it was in, as seen here. I still haven't driven it anywhere though. I tried to get down the pictured alleyway, but got stuck in an icy rut only about 10 feet from its parked spot. So, after getting it back where it came form, it has rested.

Maybe later today I shall get moving and go and explore. At the moment though, I'm making incredible progress with apartment cleaning. I've even managed to work on some old projects, like sanding my kitchen table. Hoorah.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Big Pipe

Big Pipe
Originally uploaded by gamp.
I explored a sugar mill on the 26th. Look at the pretty pipes. I think I'm getting alot better at this photography thing.

Canon City Railyard

Royal Gorge Engine
Originally uploaded by gamp.
This Saturday I explored the railyard. Look at the pretty picture of the train. It was friggin cold.
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